2013 California Building Code Changes - Part 3: Entrances, Exits and Doors
2013 CA Building Code for ADA Compliance
The new 2013 California Building Code goes into effect in January 2014.
As part 3 in a 6-month series on upcoming code changes, I’ll highlight some of the most important changes to the California Building Code before they become enforceable.
Generally, we're looking at the accessible elements called into question during almost every tenant improvement and upgrade project.
In this segment, we’ll focus on “Entrances, Exits and Doors”, which are high on the list of elements that come into question during almost every tenant improvement and upgrade project.
The new 2013 CBC states:
1) New maneuvering clearances at doorways without doors or gates, manual sliding doors and folding doors go in to effect that call out perpendicular and parallel approach dimensions.
2) Clear width opening is still 32” minimum but now no projections below 34” AFF & 4” max projection between 34”-80” AFFExceptions:1) Door closers and doorstops permitted at 78 inches min.2) No user passage-clear width of 20 inches min.
3) Doors with closers must have a min 5-second sweep when the door is at 90 degrees. Doors or gates with spring hinges must have a 1.5 second sweep when door is at 70 degrees.
4) Door and gate opening force is 5 pounds max on interior hinged doors, sliding and folding doors and exterior hinged doors. Fire doors are required 15 pounds max.
These forces do NOT apply to the force required to retract latch bolts or disengage other devices. Exceptions: If at a single location, one of every 8 exterior door leafs, or fraction of 8, is a powered door: Other exterior doors at the same location, serving the same interior space may have a maximum opening force of 8.5 ibs.
Occupancy of 150 or more must have back-up battery or back-up generator Power doors must have two push plates, one at 7-8 inches and one at 30-44 inches AFF. Plate must be 4inch diameter or 4 by 4 inches with the ISA symbol.This is just a portion of the changes to Doors, Exits & Entrances found within the new 2013 CBC.
Remember, doors and gates are one of those elements that does not trigger additional upgrade requirements when being modified. If you are replacing a door, hardware or closer for the purpose of accessibility improvement, then you are only required to make sure that new door and its hardware, opening force and maneuvering space are compliant.We are seeing an increase in “sliding doors” and “pocket doors” in the commercial arena.
It really seems to fit the industrial look being brought into many office remodels. One of the most over looked elements on this type of door is the door handle. Sliders and pocket doors must have a “C” or “U” shaped handle on both sides of the door with a clear space between the inside of handle to door surface. This allows persons to open the door without tight grasping, twisting or pinching.
The pocket doors must have an internal stop installed to stop the door and provide a min. 1.5” space from handle to trim work around door. This is to prevent pinching or smashing of fingers or hand. As I mentioned earlier, these types of doors do require a 5 lbs max opening force and new maneuvering clearances.
If you are planning a remodel, expansion or addition to your existing facility in the next few months, keep in mind the changes coming to California in January 2014.